All is quiet on the Eastern front

Scenario for Muskets and Tomahawks 2: Shakos and Bayonets

CZ version bellow

Marksman Platoon Counter attacking

23rd of June 1812. Nemen river. All quiet on the eastern front! Grandee Armee musters on the Polish bank of the Nemen river ready for war. The Proclamation to the army has been read in the afternoon. Yet, the voltigeurs are not in peace. They are hungry. Poland has been eaten out. And they are not in the Russian yet.

But, they see small hamlet where Russian villagers moves their last animals away under supervision of Russian Jägers. They even start barbecue on the village square! The army is already crossing river, so it’s time for some combat recon.

Objectives: Total of 3. One is in the middle of the map where the village square (with barbecue) is. Use two other objectives, placed on the map by each of two players in the zone limited by 12 inches away from any edge of the table and away from any other objective. Use appropriate tokens such as cows, barrels with moonshine, hens, ducks, oxes, or whatever rations they can found to be used as objective.

Special Rules: Nightfight: Twilight, Civilians: Russian has one free additional unit of six civilians deployed next to barbecue

Game Length: Fourth red clocks drawn, or if French seize two of the objectives what ever came earlier. Or annihilation of one force of course.

Scenario Table

Russian Deployment Zone: 1 unit can be deployed within 6 inches from the centre objective. 2nd deployment point is at the edge of the map opposing the banks of the river.  Use road as a mark of the deployment point if possible. Rest of the army is deployed off the table and on activation came from this deployment point on the table

French deployment point: For 4x4 maps use two deployment point 6 inches from the corners, where bank of the river is. It means that the space between deployment points is 36 inches wide and cantered. Keep this for larger maps as well. Two units can be deployed as usual from this deployment points.

Rest of the units are still on the boats or rafts. They will start to come on the table after first reshuffling of the decks according to their activation. Roll dice*: 0-4 they know how to handle boats and the player decide which deployment point they will use for deploy. 5-9 the stream is to strong they are not able to reach the deployment point.

Points:400 points, but more can be used

Roll the dice again:

0- They will deploy on right deployment point (the river flow is from right to the left)

1 – 4 inches down the river from right deployment point

2 – 8 inches down the river from right deployment point

… And you follow this rule with 4 inch increment for any other result, with 9 being left deployment point, but I was never good in math)

* Of course you can use any other randomisation of the arrival, like all use random deployment, etc.

 CZ Version

23. 6. 1812 na březích řeky Němen. Na východní frontě klid. Vojska jsou připravena, válka vyhlášena. Kdyby tak všem nekručelo v břiše. Polsko je vyjedené a za řekou je krásná vesnice, ve které by mohlo být kus žvance. Navíc ta vesnice je podivně ztichlá

Francouzská hlídka se přeplavila na voru přes Němen a provézt průzkum bojem ve vesnici. Respektive chce sehnat žrádlo pro prázdné žaludky.

Na mapě jsou 3 objektivy, hra končí po 4 otočení červených hodin, nebo když Francouzi obsadí 2 objektivy, nebo po vybití jedné strany. Jeden objektiv (barbecue) je ve středu mapy

Rusové jsou obránci, ve středu mapy musí nasadit 1 jednotku 1 důstojníka 6 vesničanů, které mají navíc nad kampaňové body. Zbytek přichází na svojí aktivaci z druhého deploymentu, který si umístí na kraj svého stolu, proti břehům řeky.

Francouzi umístí dva deployment pointy ve vzdálenosti 36palců od sebe, stejnou vzdálenost od středu té strany stolu, kde je břeh řeky. Nasadí až polovinu vojáků kolem jednoho, nebo druhého deployment pointu. Zbytek vojáků začne připlouvat až po prvním zamíchání balíku. Hodí si kostkou, 0-4 modely připlují ke zvolenému deployment pointu; 5-9 modely snese voda. Hoď znova k10, podle výsledku se Francouzi vylodí vždy o 4 palce směrem od levého deployment pointu do pravého deployment pointu. Tj.:

0 – vylodí se na levém deployment pointu

1 – voda je snese a výchozí bod je 4 palce od levého deployment pointu

2- voda je snese a výchozí bod je 8 palců od levého deployment pointu

French are returning back to camp with food






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